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How to: Setup a new NVR using IVMS 4200Updated 7 months ago

This purpose of this guide is to assist you with getting your new hikvision nvr up and running without using a tv/monitor plugged direct into it.

Before turning on the recorder please make sure you do not have any cameras wired into it, as this can cause the cameras to not setup correctly. This guide has been written using IVMS-4200 on a windows computer, where as the Mac OS version may differ slightly in looks it should still operate the same.

You will also need to make sure you have downloaded and installed IVMS-4200 available on the below link.

You will need to have power going to the NVR and a network cable running from the LAN port to your broadband router/switch, once this is done please turn on the unit.

Load up the ivms software and create a user account for it, once done you will have the below window appear.

On here you will want to click on Device Management on the right hand side, as the first step we need to take is to setup a username/password on your recorder and add it to the software.

You should be welcomed with a screen similar to below, if you are missing the bottom box then click on Online Device(marked in red) in the upper section, this will then show any hikvision devices it has found on your network.

As you can see i have a few showing up in my example, however we are looking for the one that shows inactive in the security level section as this tells us the unit has not been setup, the next step is to select the tickbox to the left of it and then click the Activate button at the bottom.

At this point you will get a new popup asking for some password details to be put into it, generally we tend to recommend using the same password for both the main password and the camera password, however you can set different ones if you would like, though please make a note of these if you do.

Once you have set the password, depending on the model you may then be asked to setup security question to assist yourself with resetting the password should you forget it at some point, once these are set the software will go back to the Device Management window, however you should now find that in the lower section your NVR now shows as active, if so please select it by clicking on the tickbox to the left and now click the Add button.

Name: Can be any alias you would like

IP: Should be pre-set

Port: Should be 8000 by default

Username: admin (unless this has been changed at some point this is the default)

Password: This will be whatever you set the recorder password to in the previous steps

Make sure Import to Group is selected and click Add, this should then add your recorder to the IVMS software so that you can access its settings and view the cameras(once added).

Now that the NVR has been activated you can plug in your cameras, they may take a minute or two but they should activate and start working.

To confirm the camera(s) are working if you click on the 4 squares in the top left of ivms to return to the home screen and select "Main View" you should get a window similar to below appear.

On the left you can see the Alias for the your recorder, as set when adding it, if you click on this it will show all of the possible cameras and any that are connected will be in a light grey, you can either double click on the camera to view it, or if you have multiple double click on the Alias to view all of them.

Once any cameras have been wired in and confirmed working i would then advise to check to make sure the unit is recording(assuming you have had a storage drive fitted), to do this we will need to access the recorders settings, for this click on the 4 squares to return to  the home page and once again go into "Device Management"

On this page you will want to click on the cog symbol (marked in red below) and select basic settings.

On the new window that appears click on Storage-Storage Management, you should get an image similar to below, if you do not see a drive listed then this means that either you do not have a harddrive fitted into the unit, the cables may be disconnected or there may be a fault, assuming it does show up then it will probably need formatting, to do this click on the tickbox on the left of it and then the format button above.

As standard the recorder will be set to continuous record on all channels, so it should start recording straight away, these settings can be changed as well as many others for which we have a range of guides that it may be worth going through for addition steps.

However for now this is the basics of how to get your NVR setup and working on IVMS 4200.

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