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How Do I Get Started With My Hikvision WiFi IP Camera On Mac/Windows?Updated 2 years ago

Here is how to set up your Hikvision camera with Hikvision software.

Step 1: Downloading the Software and Connecting Your Camera

To get the camera set up you will want to connect the camera to mains power with an Ethernet lead to your router. You will then want to download the software from the link below.


Once downloaded install and run the software.

Step 2: Configuring Your Hikvision Camera to WiFi

Watch our video below to find out how to do this:

  • Connect the camera to your network using a wired Ethernet connection and power supply, then open IVMS-4200.
  • Login to the software and press on Device Management button, then press the online devices button.
  • Select the camera from the list and press the activate button to then set a password.
  • Press the Select Device option to add the camera setting a name, making sure the export to group box is ticked.
  • Now go to Remote Configuration -> Network -> Wi-Fi to find your Wi-Fi network and connect to it.
  • Once connected it will now appear connected to your Wi-Fi network(In this example we change which network we are connected to) with its own unique IP address.
  • Like before, go to online devices and select the camera then press the Select Device button.
  • Go onto the Main View option and double click on the folder on the left labelled with the name you set (CameraWiFi in our example)


That is everything sorted, your Hikvision camera is connected to your Wi-Fi network.

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